Friday, December 2, 2011

Power Rock

I inadvertently put the world at risk of nameless horrors today when I threw away Jack's power rock.  I bet you didn't even realize the danger you were in for about 7 minutes around 10:15 this morning, did you?  I didn't either until Jack set me straight.  It's such a normal looking thing that I had no idea the fate of billions rested on this one little rock that had found it's way under my foot all morning.  After the 4th or 5th time of stepping on it, I carried it to the front door and tossed it off the porch.  I actually felt the earth tilt a tiny bit as the universe's power was altered, but I dismissed it as my own stumbling feet.  I should have known better because not 2 minutes later there was a gasp, some panicked breathing and then an agonized wail as Jack realized his precious was gone.  At this time I still hadn't realized my mistake, and I asked him what was wrong.  He was so upset that he just couldn't get words out at first, but in between sobs and hiccups I was able to understand one question: "where my power rock at?"  Oh no.  It's a power rock?  I thought it was just a regular rock.  You can see how easy it is to confuse the two when the power is disguised as an every day, run of the mill rock.  It could've happened to anyone, right?  Apparently not, judging by the look Jack gave me when I explained what had happened.  He was equal parts baffled, annoyed, scared and disgusted with me.  So, shamefacedly I put my shoes on and combed the general direction in which I had thrown the rock of power. ( Note: if you ever throw away a random object that has been in the house for an unknown reason- watch to see where it lands.  Just in case.  It could be a power object.)  After holding up 4 potential candidates for Jack's frantic inspection, the correct rock was finally found and returned to it's bearer.  All was forgiven (I received a grateful and relieved "Hank you, Mommy." and a hug) and the world was safe again for everyone.  You're welcome.

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