As parents of growing and active boys we are constantly having to reevaluate the household rules to make it a safe and wholesome environment for everyone. Most of the time the rules are for the boys, but occasionally we add a rule that applies to the adults. The last couple of weeks must have been milestones in the children's development because we've had to add quite a few. Here are some of the newest rules in our house, you get to decide who they were created for.
1. Do not drink your own bath water.
2. Do not put plastic fish into the fish tank with the real fish. It freaks Stewart out when he suddenly has a killer whale as a tank mate.
3. Do not pick your nose.
4. Do not pick your brother's nose.
5. Do NOT drink your bath water.
6. Do not give Mitch anymore apples.
7. Flush the toilet only after you go potty, not before.
8. Do not eat out of the trash can.
9. Do not put Mitch down for a nap without closing the bathroom door first. And if you forget to close the door, you are in charge of unclogging the toilet.
11. Do not leave the apples down low enough that Mitch can reach them.
12. Do not sit on your brother's head.
13. Do not touch the Christmas tree. Good will towards men does not extend to little boys who use ornaments as bouncy balls.
14. Do not lick me. Ever.
15. If you see bits of chewed up apple lying around the house, pick them up and find the uneaten portion before it rots and stinks.
16. Most importantly, under penalty of death- do NOT drink your bath water.
I'm not sure why the bath water is suddenly so irresistible, it's not like they are dehydrated. Maybe it's the new soap that has made it into the flavor of the week, but we can't keep the boys heads from dipping down to take that surreptitious slurp every now and again. We all know that Jordan's got a quick gag reflex, but this one gets me too. Totally disgusting.
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